3 Questions to Overturn Unfulfillment and Liberate Your Life
I’m telling you this with love — but being unfulfilled is usually more about your own self-imposed limitations than external circumstances.
I share that because I know from experience how a mindset shift can change your life.
We all crave a life filled with purpose that aligns with our values and brings us joy.
And when that isn’t the case — the job has you stressed, your living situation is less than ideal, and you’re feeling stuck in a mundane day-to-day — your thoughts begin to spiral with anxiety looking for a way out.
But what I’ve learned is that the answer is always within, and these moments of struggle are actually your greatest opportunity for growth.
However, sometimes you need a guide to help you pull them out.
So let’s look at 7 questions that can guide you to gain clarity on your values + design a purposeful life:
#1 What truly matters to me?
Knowing what matters to you decides the direction of your life. If you’re not clear on it, you’re easily influenced and have to learn through contrast, meaning you learn what you want by experiencing what you don’t want.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We actually need contrast. But starting with a baseline of core values helps soften the path and serve as a guiding light.
Then as you have different experiences, you’ll refine along the way. But defining your initial core values is the first step in designing a life that resonates with your inner self.
Too often, we chase what others define as success. But it’s your life. You set the rules + the pace. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring what truly matters to you.
#2 What brings me a sense of fulfillment + joy?
Honestly, life is too short not to cherish every moment. Time is the one thing we can never replace. So taking time to explore what brings you joy and fulfillment is time well spent.
I’m referring to what brings authentic happiness in your personal life, but because we spend so much time working in our society, it would be a bonus if these things could also integrate with your professional life.
Spending time reflecting on:
What makes you happy
What brings out your passion
What sparks feelings of fun
And what things you get lost in time when doing
Joy is the highest form of energy and a beautiful element of a fulfilling + intentional life.
#3 What actionable steps can I take to create a life that resonates with my values + Human Design?
You have the power to design a life that aligns with your authentic self.
You are the owner of your life experience, so once you decide what you value, what brings fulfillment, and how you want to spend your time + energy, I’d recommend using awareness of who you are to begin taking actionable steps.
Self-discovery and awareness are the foundation of everything in my book and human design is what tool I’d recommend for your life toolbox.
Here are 3 actionable steps to start with:
Reflect on alignment: Look at your life and consider whether it aligns with your values and Human Design. For example, are you spending time with friends with opposing values + goals? Or maybe you’re behaving like a Generator, but you’re a Projector and it’s resulting in burnout.
Set goals: Once you’ve outlined values, gotten clear on what you want, and you’ve become familiar with your human design, then it’s time to set goals that align. For example, if one of your values is creativity, and your Human Design shows that you thrive in an environment of constant change, a potential goal might be: “In the next six months, I’ll transition into work where my creativity can shine and I can use my gifts on diverse projects.”
Take aligned action: It’s not enough to set goals, then forget them. Committing to tiny steps (or big leaps if you can handle it energetically), can help you manifest the vision you’ve set. You can try scheduling regular check in with yourself, get an accountability partner, or even join an accountability group (like The Muse Within Empowerment Collective).
Life is a beautiful, complex, and sometimes challenging journey. But through the ups and downs, we can live it with purpose and intention.
When you regularly ask yourself the questions I’ve shared, you can design a life that’s true to who you are.
If you want support on the journey of self discovery, human design, and creating an intuitively led life for yourself, I can support you in 3 ways:
Get access to my free mini-course, The Life Launch Session to gain a foundation in human design and intuitive lifestyle design.
I offer a custom human design reading
The Muse Within Empowerment Collective is a 4 week coaching and accountability group to help you integrate human design with intuitive lifestyle design.
Be well + live freely!