The Journal | Nourish Your Curiosity
Musing on self exploration, human design, unleashing our inner muse, lifestyle design, well-being + self development
The Hidden Consequences of self-discovery no one warned me about (and how I’m finding balance in my relationships)
Nobody warned me about the unexpected consequences of self-discovery. So I feel the need to warn you. Don’t get me wrong, this journey has helped me build the life I’m creating now—including meeting my boyfriend, moving to Houston to create a new version of “home” and embracing experiences I love—it definitely brought challenges.
Escaping the Settling Trap: Embodying Your Human Design for an Authentically Fulfilling Life
More women need to wake up from a life of settling — where you feel stuck, unfulfilled, and flat-out bored. From the conversations I’ve been having lately, it seems like more people are getting sick of the mundane and ready to do what’s necessary to shift their lives.