Think You Don't Have Any Skills People Would Pay For? You're wrong!

"I don't have a skill people are hiring for right now...."


I'm sure this isn't true. BUT you can always learn new skills because it's never too late! And with the internet, there are lots of ways to build your skill toolbox without spending a lot of money. I’m going to share resources where you can learn for free.


But before I get to that, I'm all about finding more ways to feel a sense of freedom in life. And I view freelancing as a tool for just that. But based on the conversations I have with people, I know so many people get stuck when it comes to deciding what services to offer. ⁠⁠
People will pay for all kinds of stuff! Seriously. Think about what they pay you to do at your job. ⁠⁠If you need some ideas, here are 10 in demand skills you can either tap into or begin learning this month (in no particular order).⁠⁠
→ social media (one of the 1st services I offered)⁠⁠
→ email marketing⁠⁠
→ sales funnels⁠⁠
→ Facebook & Instagram ads⁠⁠
→ virtual assistance⁠⁠
→ writing & editing⁠⁠
→ graphic design (even Canva!)⁠⁠
→ web design & development⁠⁠
→ content creation⁠⁠
→ digital marketing strategy⁠⁠
Honestly, you can learn some of these for free. There are tons of resources for that. I'm all about using the tools we have at our disposal to create more time freedom and to get mo' money! Lol.⁠⁠
Now, onto where you can learn these for little to no cost.

Did any of the in demand skills pique your interest? What skills are you most interested in learning?


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