Who Says You Have To Work From...Home?


The one upside of the pandemic has been a change of perspective for many countries who are now hungry for tourists to return. As a former digital nomad (I’m now re-establishing a homebase in Los Angeles), I know what it’s like to be asked by immigration officers for the purpose of my visit and hesitating with my response. Lol. Because your response determines what kind of visa you must have to be there legally for the amount of time you’re staying, doing whatever it is you’re doing.


Even with a laptop in tow, many remote workers would say “vacation”. And if the timing on a tourist visa wasn’t enough, taking a “visa run” in order to remain in country long-term legally was a must. If you’re not familiar, a visa run is when a non-citizen of the country must travel to a neighboring country for a short trip across the border before returning to the previous country. With visa rules, you typically only have a certain amount of days on a tourist visa before you must leave. So a visa run allows you to leave and return, essentially resetting the time on your stay. I may or may not know this from experience (shhh!).

But now things are changing and digital nomads and newly remote employees are jumping for joy!!!! Digital nomad visas are gaining steam around the world and for good reason. It not only benefits the traveler but also benefits the country. 

As of October 2020, here are the countries with programs (some new, some old) to lure in the location independent, remote, workation types who’d rather work from somewhere amazing than sit at home:


Nomad Digital Residence (NDR) Visa gives the successful applicant and dependents (if any), the right to reside in Antigua and Barbuda for up to two years. 

Where to find details: https://antiguanomadresidence.com/ndr-visa/

Visa duration: Up to 2 years

Application cost:

  • $1,500 for a single applicant

  • $2,000 for a couple

  • $3,000 for families of three or more members

Requirement notes: Must show proof of expected income of no less than US$50,000 per year


Aruba has launched the One Happy Workation program. Unlike many other countries, Aruba’s program is a tourism marketing campaign rather than a work-remote visa. But still, a great way to work somewhere beautiful!

Where to find details: https://www.aruba.com/us/one-happy-workation

Visa duration: Up to 90 days

Application cost:

No application since it is not a visa. The cost depends on your accommodation options

Requirement notes: Not a visa. You must purchase the government’s visitor’s insurance package.


The island of Barbados is calling on remote workers to take advantage of their Welcome Stamp program

Where to find details: https://www.barbadoswelcomestamp.bb/

Visa duration: 12 months

Application cost:

If your application is approved, you’ll need to pay a nonrefundable fee of $2,000, or a flat fee of $3,000 for all members of a family group.

Requirement notes: Must make at least $50,000 per year


Bermuda has extended many of its visa offerings to lure in location independent people! This includes a year long digital nomad residencies, year long student visas, and 180 day tourist visas. 

Where to find details: https://www.gov.bm/articles/one-1-year-residency-certificate-policy

Visa duration: 12 months

Application cost: $263

Requirement notes: Must have insurance


The Czech Republic’s remote-work program isn’t new, but still highly popular with those who have the freedom to work from anywhere. The Zivno visa isn’t the easiest to get. But still an option! 

Where to find details: https://movetoprague.com/zivno-visa-czech-republic/

Visa duration: Varies

Application cost: $118

Requirement notes: Proof of local accommodation, arranged for at least one year in advance, proof of funds totaling a minimum of $5,500, and a lot of other documents proving your eligibility to do business. Upon activation, you will be registered to pay income tax and social security, as well as public health care for a period of one year.


Estonia has launched a new Digital Nomad Visa that allows remote workers to live in Estonia and legally work for their employer or their own company registered abroad. Note, Americans are not able to enter Estonia due to the high Covid19 numbers, but stay tuned. If America gets its act together, European countries will eventually let us come play again!

Where to find details: https://e-resident.gov.ee/nomadvisa/

Visa duration: 12 months

Application cost: $118

Requirement notes: Proof of income for six months preceding the application submission. Monthly income must exceed $4,152.


The Remote from Georgia program was launched in August for this Eastern European country.

Where to find details:



Visa duration: Must stay at least 180 days

Application cost: None

Requirement notes: Applicants must also prove they have the financial ability to pay taxes while staying in Georgia, and should have a minimum monthly salary of $2,000. Foreigners must also have health insurance for the time they spend in Georgia. Also, if approved, upon arrival you must undergo mandatory 12-day hotel quarantine at your own expense.


Germany’s programs are not new, but still beneficial to people who are able to work from anywhere. There are 2 visa options - one for freelancers and another for entrepreneurs.

Where to find details: 



Visa duration: Varies

Application cost: $118

Requirement notes: Proof that you’ve established primary residence in Berlin


Again, although not a new program, location independent workers can find a beautiful work from anywhere situation not too far in Mexico with their temporary resident visa.

Where to find details: 


Visa duration: 1 year

Application cost: $36

Requirement notes: Proof of financial stability including an overall bank balance of more than $27,000 over the past 12 months, or a monthly income of more than $1,620 over the last six months.


Costa Rica grants a temporary residency visa under the category of “rentista”, to foreign-nationals willing to immigrate to the country, who have a regular monthly income.

Where to find details: 


Visa duration: Up to 2 years

Application cost: $250

Requirement notes: Show income of $2,500 per month for two years or make a $60,000 deposit in a Costa Rican bank


With a new one-year virtual working program, you can live and work by the beach – and enjoy daily sunshine in one of the most dynamic cities in the world.

The new program gives you the freedom to come to Dubai, bring your family, work remotely all while remaining employed in your home country.

Where to find details: 


Visa duration: 1 year

Application cost: $287

Requirement notes: Must have medical insurance with valid UAE coverage and must show proof of monthly income of $5,000.



Croatia is working on a digital nomad visa. Stay tuned.

So there you have it! Now tell me, how you working online? And would you consider working from a different country for awhile? If you want to learn how to begin your own work from anywhere journey, click here to learn more!


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