How Do I Read My Human Design Bodygraph?
We’ll be chitchatting more about human design and how to apply it to your life to optimize your energy and create more time, energy, and freedom in your life. But let’s start with the basics…
After you pull your bodygraph (chart) on or, the very first thing you’ll probably think is WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?? I know I did. And everyone I know has had that thought or some version of that thought. So you’re not alone!
There’s a lot to explore in a bodygraph, but we’re keeping it simple here and looking at the very basic elements. I’ll break it down and highlight what you may want to look at first.
Don’t be overwhelmed! Luckily, mybodygraph has the key things you’ll want to look at first in text on the righthand side. Let’s zoom in….
Zero in on Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile
The 4 main parts we’ll want to focus on are type, strategy, authority, and profile. Why? Because knowing those 4 things can tell you SO MUCH about how you’re designed. Let’s touch on what those 4 things mean:
Type is the kind of energy being you are. Your type is determined by which energy centers are defined, undefined, or open within your bodygraph. There are 4 types and 1 hybrid - Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator (the hybrid), Projector, and Reflector.
I wrote a whole post about types and you can find it here.
Your strategy is the way you’re designed to move through your life experiences with the least amount of resistance from others. And that strategy is based on your type.
Manifestors - Inform and Initiate
Generators - Respond
Manifesting Generators - Respond, then inform
Projectors - Wait for the Invitation
Reflectors -Wait a Lunar Cycle
There are 9 energy centers and 1 of them is your designated authority that determines how you’re designed to make decisions in your life. When you listen to your authority instead of listening to the mind (as society usually tells us to), you can bypass societal conditioning and start making decisions that are correct for YOU.
There are 7 authorities - Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Self-Projected, Mental (also called Sounding board or Environmental), and Lunar.
Profile: The profile represents your role and purpose in life. It tells a lot about your personality, how you interact with the world, how you the world perceives you. It’s made up of 2 numbers - lines from the conscious and unconscious Sun of your bodygraph. The 1st number is your conscious archetype and the 2nd is your unconscious archetype. The conscious side is probably recognizable to you, but the unconscious archetype may be moreso how other people see you. There are 6 lines and each represents an archetype.
1 - Investigator (The Researcher)
2 - Hermit (The Wise Man)
3 - Martyr (The Scientist)
4 - Opportunist (The Networker)
5 - Heretic (The Mentor)
6 - Role Model (The Influencer)
The way your profile is expressed can differ based on your type. For instance, a 2/4 Manifestor and a 2/4 Generator will be expressed differently because they have different auras. But at the same time, they can also relate to one another because of their shared profile.
There are 12 Profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6, 4/1, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, and 6/3.
And there you have it! The basics of reading your Human Design bodygraph.
Now that you have that info, I’d like to share with you how to awaken the hidden gifts within you using your human design. Download the guide here.
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