What The Heck Is Human Design?
Human Design? What does that have to do with freeing up more time in our lives to be creative, fulfilled, and less stressed?
I think it's so relevant!
Hearing that we're all different wasn't a new, groundbreaking realization for me when I learned about Human Design. Most people would agree that we’re all different. But seeing all of the different combinations of designs was mindblowing, at least for me.
And if you're not familiar, Human Design is NOT a belief system. It's a synthesis of 5 different sciences - the I Ching, Astrology, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, Kabbalah, and Quantum mechanics.
It's referred to as the science of differentiation and I think that's very fitting. It articulates how we're all different and encourages us to experiment with unlearning all of the ways in which we've been taught to be the same.
There are 5 types (well, technically 4 types and 1 hybrid)
Manifesting Generator (the hybrid type)
There is a lot to explore in human design, but the 3 keys to it that you can experiment with and use to optimize your life now are:
Type - How your aura operates
Authority - The energy center that helps you make the correct decisions for your life experiences
Strategy-The way you’re designed to strategically move through your experiences
Now, let’s dig in and talk more about each type and think about which one resonates with you (if you’d rather not guess and find out right away, click here).
Notes about Manifestors:
Closed & Protective Aura
Here to initiate
Very independent. Have to be in control of their own lives and HATE people telling them what to do!
Powerful beings who must be aware of their great impact on those around them
Great at visualizing
May be impatient and easily angered
Strategy: To inform those impacted before initiating
Signature theme: Peace
Not-self theme: Anger
This is my chart. But every chart will look different. Manifestors make up about 9% of the population. Through the ages, Manifestors were the Rulers, Kings, and Queens. We initiated and had our “subjects” carry out things for us.
Manifestors are full of ideas but don’t necessarily have consistent energy to carry out said ideas since we do not have defined sacral centers providing “the juice.” So basically you are designed to take action on the ideas, but not necessarily designed to see them through to completion on your own. Although you are extremely independent, you still need the other types to make things happen. Because of your propensity to work in short creative bursts, and your fierce independence, you don’t always thrive in traditional work settings. I know this from experience!
With a closed and protective aura, many times you’ll feel like other people don’t really “get” you. This closed aura can come across as bossy or pushy since you’re pushing things to happen.
We wish the world understood us. As a Manifestor with a closed and protective aura, that does not mean you are an angry being. Actually, your signature nature is that of peace. The anger comes out in full force when you are either not aligned with your authentic self or someone is trying to control or influence you. So as a Manifestor, when you feel angry, look to see how you can pivot. The strategy of a Manifestor is to inform then initiate (not ask for permission) because the decisions we make impact those around us. So in order to come against less resistance, it is best to communicate beforehand to let people know what we’re doing or how we feel, as this can either get them on our side for assistance or at least serve as a heads up.
Notes about Projectors:
Focused & Absorbing Aura
Here to guide
As great managers, they are knowledgeable in how to best utilize the talents and resources of the other types around them
A knack for organization & systems
Burns out easily if they mismanage their energy
Strategy: Waiting for an invitation
Signature theme: Success
Not-self theme: Bitterness
Projectors are the new leaders of the world. The ones here to guide the rest of us. You currently represent 20% of the population. As leaders of the future, Projectos have an innovative way of tapping into the power of others and channeling your gifts & energy to make things happen.
With your approachable, yet intense aura, the way you are able to SEE others makes you amazing at using your wisdom to help solve problems. Projectors are typically organized and great with systems. But with your undefined sacral centers, you are non-energy types who do not have consistent energy for traditional work environments. You are designed to thrive working in short bursts.
When in flow, you experience a signature theme of success. But when you are doing something you really do not want to do or find yourself off track, you can experience a sense of bitterness. As you are designed with a strategy of waiting for the invitation, you can also get off track when you attempt to initiate instead of waiting for the invitation.
But these invitations do not have to be hard to come by. When living in alignment, the Projector aura has a way of magnetizing people and opportunities to you. And with that, you find yourself invited to share, lead, join, guide, etc. When that happens, the key to finding success as the guides of the world is by asking the right questions. With those guiding questions, you help the other types find their focus. And together, magic can unfold! While waiting for those invitations, it’s a great use of time and energy for you to study information, study people, and REST so that when the time comes, you’ll be ready to accept the invitation with ease.
Notes about Generators:
Open & Enveloping Aura
Here to respond
The world would not run without the enduring energy of the Generators
They are designed for mastery
Because they are great doers, they typically need help planning and structuring
Strategy: To respond
Signature theme: Satisfaction
Not-self theme: Frustration
Literally, the world would be lost without Generators who make up about 35% of the population because you are the slow and steady builders with the energy to see things through to completion. You’ve got the juice as I like to call it! Because you have the sacral energy the world needs to run, the world has been built for Generators. The way our workday is set up is a classic case. Certainly, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors struggle with a typical 8 hour workday, but many Generators can glide through it. That sacral life force energy is a hugely valuable commodity! With your open and enveloping aura, you are like a magnet to opportunities.
But one thing you must be aware of is the potential to be taken advantage of by the other types who want to use your life force energy to build. Following your strategy of responding and listening to the way in which your authority is guiding you to make decisions is key. A Generator has the ability to feel that response coming from the sacral center either through sounds or vibrations arising from the sacral/gut. It may be a clear yes or no…or maybe even sounds like “ah ha” or “uh uh.” Learning to pay attention to the sensations in your body is key.
As a Generator, when you are off track, you may experience a sense of frustration, but when you are in alignment and on track that feeling of satisfaction will be amazing!
Notes about Manifesting Generators:
Open & Enveloping Aura
Here to respond, inform & initiate
MGs are the true multi-taskers
Great at finding the easiest way of doing something
Because they like to move fast, learning to pause to respond before initiating is important
Strategy: To respond
Signature theme: Satisfaction & peace
Not-self theme: Frustration & anger
Manifesting Generators are technically a type of Generator, so they share many similarities. You also make up 35% of the population, so we’re talking about 70% of the population with a defined sacral center. That’s a lot of energy to get stuff done! No wonder the world is built around you and the Generators.
MGs differ from Generators in your ability to initiate after first responding. However, it’s important that you respond first to remain in alignment. MGs are known for being multi-passionate individuals with lots of ideas. And it can be tempting to try to do them all. But even though you have a defined sacral (read: lots of energy) it’s still best to work in bursts! So you have the ability to get a lot done in a short period of time, but then you may take a long time to rest.
Just like your Generator cousins, when it comes to making decisions, you have the ability to feel how to best respond by paying attention to your sacral center. Pay attention to sounds or vibrations arising from the sacral/gut. It may be a clear yes or no…or maybe even sounds like “ah ha” or “uh uh.” Learning to pay attention to the sensations in your body is key.
When you are off track, you’ll know because you’ll either experience frustration or anger. But when you’re in flow, satisfaction or peace will be felt.
Notes about Reflectors:
Sampling aura
The only lunar type that follows the cycles of the Moon
Carving out alone time is necessary for you to rejuvenate, especially since reflecting the energy around you can be draining at times
Strategy: Waiting a lunar cycle
Signature theme: Surprise
Not-self theme: Disappointment
You are the rarest type at just 1% of the population. How special! How unique! You are in tuned with the cycles of the Moon unlike any other type. Another incredible thing about you is your ability to sense or feel what’s going on around you. When other people are not in alignment with themselves, you can feel it. You can feel when people are not being their authentic self. Reflectors are known as the mirrors, so you are able to reflect back to people the energy they are putting out. In fact, you can magnify the frequencies of everything and everyone around you. No one else does it like you.
Because of your sampling aura, your environment is everything to you! You’re here to experience, reflect, and help discern what is happening. When you’re in an environment that does not feel good to you for too, you’ll naturally begin to take on that energy, which can leave you feeling sick or drained. So again, environment is everything for you.
As far as your strategy of waiting a lunar cycle, this applies to big decisions. You have no reliable guide inside of you saying “yes” or “no”, so if you jump the gun and take things into your own hands instead of waiting a lunar cycle, you may be asking for trouble. When you’re on track, you’ll feel a sense of surprise. But when you’re off track or out of alignment, that’s when disappointment sinks in.
So that’s a breakdown of the Human Design types. Look up your free bodygraph and find out your type!
I also created a free guide to help you awaken your 4 unique superpowers using human design. Click here to download it.
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