How to liberate your authentic self + set your inner muse free

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~E.E. Cummings

You don't have to follow someone else's path to achieve your vision of success. 

I want that to sink in for more people…because once it does, you'll stop spending your time and energy chasing things unaligned with your authentic self.

But here's the hard truth:

To be in alignment with what your authentic self actually desires (and deserves), you need to get to know yourself and stop pretending to be someone else.

Pretending to be someone else is so common you may not even recognize when you're doing it. And you're not alone. Many of us have experienced this feeling at some point in our lives. Instead of being true to yourself, you wear masks to fit in or impress others. 

And honestly, it's exhausting to live and work inauthentically, and it can prevent you from reaching your full potential. 

So let's explore authenticity on a deeper level, including what it is, why it matters, and how you can be more authentic in your life and career.

Authenticity Defined

There are so many definitions of authenticity, but at its core, authenticity means living according to your own values and goals rather than someone else's. It means being true to your personality, beliefs, and spirit, even when you face pressure to act otherwise. Authentic people are honest with themselves and others and take responsibility for their mistakes. Their values, ideals, and actions align and come across as genuine.

Who Is The Inner Muse?

The inner muse is the authentic you at your core, the highest expression of your self. Everything you'd like to embody or become is already within you. It's up to you to release the beliefs and conditioning you've taken on from others throughout your life because that is what holds you back from expression. 

Why Embracing Your Muse Within Will Change Your Life 

I won't lie…living authentically isn't always easy. It often means going against the crowd, taking the harder road, and creating your own path. But it's worth it! When you're true to yourself, you don't have to live the next 20, 30, or 40 years wondering what life could've been like if you'd just had the courage to do and be what you actually wanted, rather than simply following the path society laid out for you. When you're being true to self, you operate with integrity and not only gain self respect, but also the respect of others. Embracing the authenticity of your inner muse also makes you better equipped to deal with problems and more likely to realize your full potential. It leads to more self-confidence, healthier self-esteem, and overall satisfaction with the life you're creating for yourself. Plus, going through life wearing an invisible mask is more draining and stressful than most people realize. Liberating the inner muse is far less stressful than pretending to be someone you're not.

How To Liberate The Muse Within And Be Authentic

Being authentic is a lifelong process of self exploration + discovery. Here are some steps you can take to start living more authentically:

#1 Connect with your values

Living authentically means living according to your core values and beliefs. You need to identify these values and commit to living and working according to them. This means setting goals that align with your values and keeping them at the forefront when making any decision. Once you identify your values, you'll want to check in as you make decisions by asking, "does this coincide with my values or go against them?"

#2 Close the Gap between the masked you and the authentic YOU

To be more authentic, you need to identify the gaps between who you are now and who you want to be. With that clarity, you'll want to work on being more open, honest, and firm with where you're headed. If you find yourself acting as the masked you instead of the authentic you that you prefer to show up and take space, then it's time to change course. It's more supportive in making the shift to set small goals and work on one change at a time rather than trying to transform your entire life all at once. Tools that I've found helpful in identifying gaps are self discovery journaling and human design.

#3 Allow your inner authority to lead

Living with integrity means taking responsibility for your actions, including your mistakes. It's important to tune in to your daily choices and listen to your inner authority, the small voice, sensation, feeling, or sense of knowing that tells you when something is wrong. In human design, we each have an inner authority that guides us in the decision making process. Click here to read more about authority in human design. A big shocker you'll have as you learn is that the mind is NOT the decision maker you need to be following. But following your inner authority and owning up to your decisions is key in liberating your inner muse and embracing authenticity. 

#4 Real talk

👏🏾👏🏾 Real talk! This doesn't mean being aggressive or overly blunt in your communication, but it does mean being impeccable with your word. Getting clear on what you mean and saying it honestly while respecting the other person's needs and feelings. It's essential to communicate directly and avoid playing games while keeping your promises. A lot of suffering in life comes from miscommunication - people not saying what they really mean for fear of conflict or rejection. But when we openly communicate, we gift the other person involved with all of the information to make an informed decision. That's more loving than omitting and creating a veil of secrecy and confusion.

#5 Be open without judgment

One thing human design has taught me is how to honor the differences in myself and others. It's allowed me to be more compassionate while not expecting others to be ME. You are you, and that's your superpower. The journey of self exploration will teach you about yourself, your gifts, and your shadows, things you may even be embarrassed by. But the purpose is not to shame yourself. It's about coming to a place of self acceptance while realizing every aspect of you serves a purpose. Even your challenges are wisdom that has its place. So liberating your inner muse leads you to a place of being open and less judgmental with yourself and others. Be open-minded. Allow people to be themselves and show you who they are…and hopefully, they extend the same courtesy to you. And if not…still be YOU because being otherwise is too exhausting.

#6 Tap into your confident self

Developing self-confidence requires strength of character, especially when you're under pressure to act in a way that goes against your values. Building a strong sense of self and the assertiveness needed to stand your ground will help you get through challenging situations. If your self-confidence can use a boost, I love the self hypnosis by Paul McKenna. Click here to check it out.

#7 Tend to your Emotions

I don't like the phrase "manage your emotions" because it sounds as if you need to stifle, withhold, or suppress them. Your emotions are essential signals letting you know your perspective on a situation. It's important to acknowledge how you feel and check in to see what that emotion is telling you. However, you will want to "manage" your reactions to those emotions. You can't always control people or the situations around you, but you can control how you react to them. When you're feeling sad, angry, or frustrated, that's a great time to get curious, not behave in ways that are harmful to yourself or others. 

Living authentically is not always easy, but it's worth the effort. When you're true to yourself, you build self trust and respect, confidence, tap into your purpose, and experience greater happiness and well-being. Start small with the steps I've outlined, and start living more authentically by allowing your inner muse to shine! Always remember that you are on this Earth for a reason, and the world needs your innate magic. When you hide it, you not only do yourself a disservice but rob everyone else of the beauty of YOU.


If you’re ready to learn more about your own human design ➮ Illuminate the Muse Human Design Reading

If you want a FREE guide to explore your gifts based on your human design ➮ A Guide to Remembrance: Awaken Your 4 Unique Superpowers For Authentic Expression, Fulfillment + Purpose

See, learn, and explore on my YouTube channel ➮ Elle Undefined


I have Emotional Authority in Human Design. Here's How I use It.


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