The Journal | Nourish Your Curiosity

Musing on self exploration, human design, unleashing our inner muse, lifestyle design, well-being + self development

Well-Being Elle Hamilton Well-Being Elle Hamilton

The 3 Things That SAVED My Body While Working From Home

I remember when I first started freelancing, I thought it was fun to work in bed with my laptop, haul my laptop around to different coffee shops, bars, and beaches. Or sit on the floor and work. I felt free! After leaving my job and finally getting the freedom I craved, I wanted NOTHING to do with an office-like setting. You feel me?!

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Elle Hamilton Elle Hamilton

Mental Health Check-In For Freelancers

Most people categorize themselves as either introvert or extrovert. And I used to think it was kinda weird that I was sometimes BOTH…depending on my environment. A few years ago, I learned there’s actually a term for that! An ambivert! That’s a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features. Who knew?!

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