How To Stop Comparisonitis From Trapping You In An Inauthentic Brand

Are you building a sustainable, true-to-self business or are you building the business of someone else’s dreams? That’s a valid question I hope you’ll consider.


In the age of Instagram and other digital platforms, “comparisonitis” can keep your wheels spinning trying to create for yourself what you see others doing. And it’s no wonder why it’s tempting.


You see the ads and the posts showing coaches working from the beach, influencers giving you a taste of “the good life” with their lifestyle content, and other entrepreneurs online promising to show you how to create 5 and 6 figure months using their proven strategies.


This is all possible for you, if you want it. But I also believe it’s important to get clear on what your vision is for your life + business and make aligned decisions accordingly.


You have to realize in the digital space, many entrepreneurs and influencers frequently show the highlight reel of their lives. Not the nitty, gritty moments that have them wanting to give up. So in deciding what type of business you want to create for yourself, there are some important things to keep in mind because after all, this is something you’ll be pouring your time, energy, heart, and soul into.


The Real Foundation Of Building An Authentic Brand Really Comes Down To Self Awareness. 


When you compare your life and business with others, and you’re basing your reality on their perceived success online, it can leave you feeling as if you’re behind, not successful enough, or somehow not living your life or building your business the right way.


What will help you more in creating a life YOU can be proud of, a life that brings you a sense of joy and fulfillment is turning your focus inward. Instead of focusing your attention on what THEY are doing, focus on who YOU are as an individual, YOUR end goals, and the actions that YOU can control.


Self awareness is what allows you to build the business of your dreams, not the dream of someone else that is being portrayed to you through a filtered lens (ie. Instagram).


It's Time For A Mindself Shift


I hear so many entrepreneurs say, “I should be further along by now,” meaning “I’ve been in business for X years so I should be making so much more money.” For others, it can feel as if you should be more known or recognized for the work that you do after so many years of doing it. Again, this is where comparisonitis is coming into play. You’re seeing people with similar businesses as you who are hitting 5 and 6 figure launches, being booked to speak on various platforms, and steadily growing their followers. And I don’t blame you, who wouldn’t want that kind of success, right?


Comparisonitis strikes again. But you’re forgetting – or simply don’t know – how many failed launches that coach endured or how many ‘NOs’ they heard before landing their first paid speaking gig. You never know and you can’t control the factors of someone else’s experience. But what you can do is pull yourself out of the cycle of comparing and/or wallowing in self-pity, create your own action plan to reach your goals, and make sure the path you decide to follow is authentic to you, not them.


Circling back to authenticity, you can use tools like human design and self-reflection to get clear on who you are and how you’d like to show up in your business as your authentic self who is ready to impact the world in your own unique way. Then you get to decide how you get there. Whether that’s by being inspired by how your favorite mentors and coaches reach their goals (maybe they share on their website, YouTube channel, IG, or course) or mapping out your own trailblazing action plan forward, it’s important to create a plan that works for YOU.


What's Your Definition Of Success?

While it may be awe-inspiring to hear of seven-figure product launches, full group coaching programs, or booked speaking engagements, you need to define what success means to YOU. Your goals do not have to match those of the people you see online or meet in industry circles. Your goals should be very personal; your WHY should make you cry, as some people like to say. Once you define your success, you can more easily create an action plan to reach that success. Just remember that everyone has a path to success but they will certainly not be identical.


How Do You Relax?

A lot of people view sitting down to THINK through all of your ideas, goal setting, and action plans as the best way to make progress in your business. But I’d like to offer another perspective. One way to get clear about your end goals and to plan action steps is to take time daily for self-care and relaxation. This is so often overlooked! You need time away from your desk to quiet your brain and simply focus on something other than business. It may sound counterintuitive but we hear stories all the time of people getting inspiration while in the shower, or creatives who keep notebooks by their bed because they’ll dream about their next big idea. Relax your mind and spirit and allow creativity to find you!


Need Help Relaxing? You’re Not Alone…

Business owners complain all the time that they don’t have enough time in the day so how can they possibly relax and do something fun. This takes time away from the business, of course. But sometimes inspiration comes from that time away from the office, away from the successful brags of others in your circle. If you need some self-care tips that will help quiet your brain, I’ve posted plenty on Instagram! Click here to check it out.


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How to recognize your potential for burnout using human design (and what to do about it!)