The 3 Things That SAVED My Body While Working From Home

3 things that saved my body while working from home

I remember when I first started freelancing, I thought it was fun to work in bed with my laptop, haul my laptop around to different coffee shops, bars, and beaches. Or sit on the floor and work. I felt free! After leaving my job and finally getting the freedom I craved, I wanted NOTHING to do with an office-like setting. You feel me?!


But after awhile, I started feeling aches and pains in my back, shoulders, and wrists. I figured out that there actually was something to the office setup that I may want to figure out how to incorporate into my “newfound freedom”


Laptops actually were not made for all day use and there’s a logical reason to grab an external keyboard, mouse, and laptop stand if you want to continue using your laptop. I learned that the hard way...chiropractor visits, acupuncture, neck and wrist exercises, and ibuprofen. LOL. 

Many of you are working from home now and I’m telling attention to your setup. Your body will thank you later!


Now, I have a pretty good setup and system. It includes my Rooster laptop standlogitech K380 bluetooth keyboardlogitech M720 wireless mouse, stretching, and plenty of breaks. I got these items specifically because they’re all really lightweight and perfect for my nomading days!


Here’s a pretty detailed blog post from FlexJobs to get you started with a good ergonomically sound home office (or villa office. Hehee!). Click here.


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