How to recognize your potential for burnout using human design (and what to do about it!)

Burnout is becoming more and more of a buzzword because we as a society are realizing the effects of the work hard-play hard and hustle mentality.

But to make sure we’re on the same page here’s the definition of burnout according to Psychology Today:

“Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Though it’s most often caused by problems at work, it can also appear in other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or romantic relationships.”




I almost feel like I’m on a crusade, fighting against burnout, rallying for rest! Seeing the number of people putting life, their health, and joy on the backburner all to fit the toxic standards we've been conditioned for as a society really hurts me. I think about the dreams unfulfilled, the neglected experiences, the missed memories, and the malnourished potential that has no time to bloom. That’s why I feel led to share this with you.

So let’s look at the bodygraph…

Your human design bodygraph has energetic centers that are represented by different shapes. There are 9 of them and they can be colored in (defined center), white with some colored numbers (undefined center), or completely white (open center). But since we’re highlighting where to identify potential burnout, let’s zero in on 3 of the main contributors.


The sacral center is where the lifeforce energy resides! Hahaa! And only Generators and Manifesting Generators have this center defined. However, just because you have this center defined doesn’t mean it can’t be the cause of burnout. Having it defined gives you consistent access to energy, but when you are using that energy on things you don’t love, you can experience a sense of dread, boredom, or fatigue. Over time, this build up can amount to burnout. Also, if you're a Generator or MG who is doing too much but not getting the rest you need, this can also lead to burnout.

As a Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector with an undefined or open sacral, you do not have consistent access to the energy of the sacral center. That’s why these types more often than not work in shorter durations of time. Honestly, the standard 8 hour workday is not sustainable for us (I’m a Manifestor), as it was built with the Generator and MG in mind. The energy just ain’t there!



Am I honoring when my body tells me it has had enough?


Start to pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day and notice when there’s a dip. What are you doing in those moments? Is there a way to restructure your day to include cycles of rest or rejuvenation?


The heart center, also known as the will center, has to do with willpower, self-worth, and the material plane. With a defined will center, you possess the willpower to push through to get things done...and the way our society is built, you’ll be rewarded for this. Even praised! But when you consistently persist and push through, not honoring your body’s call for rest, you’ll eventually pay the price and burnout will catch up to you. When you have this center undefined or open, it can be even harder because you don’t have consistent access to the willpower required to get things done. Since the heart/will center is also tied to self worth, there’s also a tendency to believe you need to do xyz to deserve rest. Thoughts like “I can’t rest until I’ve finished” or “I can’t rest until I’ve done enough” can pop up.


Is your willpower so strong that you’re not allowing yourself time to rest until you’ve “earned it?” Or do you judge yourself for not being able to push yourself?


Build breaks and cycles of rest into your day. You are always worthy of rest and don’t need to do more to deserve it. Remember, rest is fuel and you can’t drive your car (your body) on an empty tank.


When you think of the root center, you can think of adrenaline, pressure, and stress. When this center is undefined or open, you’ll feel pressure to finish things as quickly as you can to relieve the pressure. But here’s the thing...when you finish that thing to relieve the pressure, there will always be something else right behind it ready and waiting to apply more pressure!! It may feel like your to-do list is never-ending and when you keep pushing yourself to do “just one more thing”, you’ll eventually hit a wall and burnout can consume you.

In the root center, there’s a tendency to take on the energy of others - pressure and stress included! It can become intense and staying calm under pressure can be very challenging. I have an undefined root and I can become very stressed when people pressure me with time-sensitive projects, so I know all about the pressure of this center!


Am I taking on pressure that doesn’t belong to me?


What kind of boundary can you put in place to help? Once you’ve determined the boundary, communicate it accordingly.

These 3 centers are major factors in considering the sources of burnout, as there’s much to be discussed on this topic. In terms of human design, there are additional factors I’d love to explore with you in your own bodygraph. Click here to learn more about my Illuminate the Muse Human Design reading.


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