Reclaiming your energy when stress sneaks up....

If you’re around me enough or follow me on social media, you’ll know I’m very big on taking care of myself mentally through self care practices, setting boundaries with my clients, and tending to my body through fitness and eating habits. Or at least I try! Hahaha!

But truth be told, sometimes it’s hard.

I recently had one of those weeks where I was reeeeeally busy and there just seemed to be a lot going on in the world. I skipped my Tuesday workout because I wanted to knock out some client work. Wednesday is my normal day off and I worked out Thursday, but my energy was a bit up and down. I’ll have to admit, some stress was trying to kick in because I had a vacation week coming up for a big life change - a move back to Los Angeles!

So when I woke up that Friday, I was almost tempted to skip my workout again. But luckily my own voice kicked in and said “🗣️ you’re always telling people to take care of themselves and prioritize their health before work, but now you wanna skip another workout?? Nah!” So instead of a strength training workout, I opted for a yoga session with one of my favorite free workout apps FitOn. And it helped me a lot! I felt good doing something for my body and my mind.

When life gets to be a bit much, it can be tempting to skip self care. But really, that’s exactly when you need it the most.

PSA: try to take the time to do something for yourself...especially when you’re busy or stressed.

Self care means a lot of different things to many people. It doesn’t have to be shopping or eating chocolate. Lol. But find something that makes you feel good. And do it! Burnout happens less often when you make self care a thing in your life on the regular. And I'm not just telling you this. I'm also reminding myself.


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