Want To Impact The World? Start With Yourself

As a millennial, my generation has been called selfish and entitled for years now. We may be. But also, the baby boomer generation was raised to be selfless. To sacrifice everything for the good of everyone else. Even if it meant self-destruction.


While kinda admirable, I believe the way we impact the world is by starting with ourselves. Ya know...like when you're preparing for takeoff and the flight attendant says "in case of an emergency, put on your mask first before helping others." The same is true in life.


When we love ourselves, treat ourselves kindly, and prioritize our physical, mental, and spiritual health, the kindness we show to ourselves radiates outward. And our self-compassion has a contagious effect on others (contagious in a good way of course). Now I’m not saying ignore the needs and wants of others or don’t be considerate. Hear me out…


Tend to your issues first

Ignoring your own needs and wants will inevitably lead to stress and frustration in the long run, which then impacts everyone else around you. This is a fact of "selflessness" that most overlook. You can't go through life pushing down your own desires. You can try and convince yourself that you're being of service to others when you live this way, but eventually the truth will surface...either through an emotional blow up or built up stress that has been bottled up in the body. For instance, you might feel stiff all over, or start to notice a sudden nervous tick in your body. If not that, maybe you struggle to focus and look stressed at times when you'd usually be the life of the party.


Trust me, vibes don't lie. Even if you think you've managed to keep your tension to yourself, those around you will start to pick up on it. We are energetic beings, so even if the feelings are not put into language, your energy will tell all. 


Think about it: have you ever been around someone whose energy is just on 10?! They're just exuding positive energy that feels contagious. You can't help but smile and lighten up yourself!


Now I'm not saying you should only deal with your stuff to help other people, but it's an added benefit when the inner work we do to better our lives can positively impact the world with each interaction. If you find it hard to tend to yourself, you may want to ask yourself why? Is it due to conditioning? Or maybe the open heart center is your human design chart is stirring up challenges to what you believe you’re worth or what you deserve? There can be a lot of factors here to explore.


When Your Spirit Is Giving!

It's giving healed girl energy. It's giving happy girls are the prettiest. It's giving "I love this life I live" And we love to see it! As you continue on your own healing journey and tend to your personal needs, you'll be in a better place to share your optimism with the world. Just by being you, you can accomplish this. 


You can be the giver of good vibes which supports you in getting the most out of life, but also uplifting the lives of those who come in contact with you. Try giving heartfelt compliments to people. And make sure your loved ones know how much they mean to you. You never know how your words and intentions can impact the life of someone else.


The act of doing these things itself can even make you feel happy. It's yet another example of doing something nice for someone else can make their day…and make yours in the process.


New Ideas

Now this is one of my favorites and it comes naturally to me because I’ve tapped into the activated gate 11 in my human design chart. It’s the gate of ideas! Whether or not you have that gate, it doesn’t matter. You can be inspired, creative, and share what comes up. If you have an open or undefined head center in your human design, sometimes you can be flooded with inspo that turns into great ideas. Maybe it’s time to share them? Think of some new things to do that will both please you and benefit others.


I love doing a brain dump as ideas come to me. If you’re open to experimenting with it, I’m sure there are plenty of things that are within your area of expertise that could help the world in a positive way.


For me, when people share their passions or new business ideas, I’m quick to come up with ideas to expand it or turn it into a strategy for action. I love using my Manifestor (action taking, innovative) energy to initiate people into action or sharing ideas. 


It doesn’t matter what your human design type or upbringing is, you have gifts that can be tapped into to support your purpose. The question is have you taken the time to explore?


The REAL You

I believe uncovering your magic and getting to know your authentic self is the foundation of everything. And through self discovery, you become truer and truer to yourself. This alone empowers others to do the same. When we have less people roaming around this world living as someone else, we’ll all be in a much better place. If you’re ready to go deeper on your self discovery journey, I’m here to support you.


Have you thought about your big reason WHY?


Are you overlooking your hidden gifts?