Have you thought about your big reason WHY?

Are you searching for your purpose? Wanting to learn more about yourself? Or wanting to start following through with your goals?


The underlying question to those questions and many more are often overlooked. WHY are you doing it? What's the driving force that propels the desire? Why do you want to see this thing come to fruition?

What is your big WHY?

It's important to know your why because when you're met with challenges, skepticism, and doubt, understanding why it's worth the effort, why you're the one to bring it to light, and why it *whatever it is* is needed can give you the fuel to keep going.

These are great journal prompts to sit with. I want to share my WHY with you.

 In our society, we’re taught to work hard and sacrifice for delayed gratification.

We’re told if we work hard now, then in 30-40 years we can retire and do the things we’ve always wanted.

But that’s a lie and I’m glad more people are realizing it.

We have to live with purpose and joy now. And along the way.

The way I live my life goes against that lie because I saw my Dad die at 61. Before retirement age.

And my mom worked hard her entire life looking forward to being able to travel and enjoy more leisure time after retirement. 

She retired right at age 65, only to be diagnosed with cancer at 67. My beautiful Mom did all she could to remain strong and fight for her life every day, but she transitioned to her next assignment at age 70. This loss is still very fresh for me (November 2022), but it only strengthens my WHY. I’ve seen too many examples of why LIVING LIFE NOW needs to be a priority.


My parents and the countless other family members, coworkers, and people I meet inspire me to live my life now with a sense of urgency, intention, and purpose. They fuel me. They are my WHY.


Because you never know what the future holds. Delayed gratification has its place. But I will not wait to do the things that bring joy, peace, and fulfillment to my life. It’s not promised. 

I understand my purpose and why I am called to share what I've learned with the people who have come into my life, including you.


I created a free guide to support you in learning more about your gifts and what you’re being called to bring into this world. It’s called The Guide to Remembrance: Awaken Your 4 Unique Superpowers For Authentic Expression, Fulfillment + Purpose. I loved creating this for you my Love! Click here to download it.

Be well + Live Fully!



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