Are you overlooking your hidden gifts?

If you’re curious or interested in tapping into your passions, what your gifts are, and what your purpose is.


You are NOT alone. (rather watch this on video rather than read? Click here)

Life is so busy that we can find ourselves skating through it without creating time for self reflection and discovery.


But that self awareness unlocks so much! 


Better relationships. More aligned work. Better health. And just a greater sense of fulfillment, meaning, and even happiness.


We can use human design as a tool to help in the process.


I want to share some of the gifts in your human design chart you may be missing. And also an overview of each center's theme to keep in mind!


Let’s look at your undefined centers 

The head center is all about inspiration, thoughts, ideas, questions, and mental pressure. If your head is open or undefined (meaning not colored in) your curious nature is a pool for inspiration. You find it everywhere. And that’s a gift when you learn how to not let it overwhelm you.

The ajna center is all about processing, concepts, perspectives, and mental awareness. If your ajna is open or undefined you’re truly open minded. You can take in different perspectives without making them right or wrong. Good or bad. That’s a gift.

The throat center is for expression, communication, and manifestation. Is your throat undefined? You have a fluid and flexible way of communicating. I’ve found this to be great for my marketing and copywriting clients.

The G center, also known as the identity center is for your sense of identity, direction, and self love. Do you have an undefined g center? Your adaptable nature allows you to mesh with different people and environments. You’re open to different ways of being and experiencing life!

The ego center is also called the heart center. If your ego center is undefined, you don’t have a fixed perspective about what is valuable. You have a way of exploring and sensing what is valuable, what is authentic, and even what is inflated!

When you think of the splenic center, think intuition, fear, health, and physical awareness. With an undefined spleen, you can tap into the sensitivity your body may feel to gain wisdom about what is safe, healthy, and healing for you and those you love.

The sacral center is all about sustainable energy, sexuality, and creativity. If yours is undefined, you’re great at knowing how the buzzing energy around you can be used for a good purpose.

The solar plexus is your emotional center. It deals with emotions, moods, creativity, connections, and spirituality. If you’ve got an undefined solar plexus, you’ve got a powerful gift of tuning in to the vibes, mood, and emotions around you.

And lastly, the root center deals with timing, stress, taking action, and adrenal pressure. If you have an undefined root center, you can feel pressure and stress in ways other people do not. But the skill is when you learn what’s yours and what’s not then begin using that pressure in a healthy way.

Depending on what else is in your chart, there’s a lot more you can learn and flip around to see the gifts in it. Sometimes we see things and focus on the negative. But I believe there’s so much magic to be uncovered. 

 If you're ready to dig deeper into your own human design chart, I'm here to support you with an Illustrate the Muse Human Design reading. In this reading, I'll breakdown the foundations of your human design chart, how to work with your energy in your life + business, your life purpose, how to make aligned decisions, and self care practices that are good for your design. Click here to learn more about it!


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