How To Expand Your Self-Awareness Using Human Design

I love learning about Human Design + coaching my HD clients to help them learn more about themselves...the innate magic they may be overlooking.

From the moment we're born, we're led down a path of sameness. But Human Design illuminates all of the ways you are unique and how to use that to your advantage in life.

I’ve personally found it to be a tool that has improved my self-awareness, confidence level, and mental health. As I learn more about myself, I have greater clarity about my direction in life and how to move forward.

But when I first started studying Human Design, it was overwhelming to understand and I had a hard time knowing what to focus on first.

So, if you are curious about Human Design, here's where to start:

  • Read This Book: Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be by Chetan Parkyn. I find this book easier to read as a beginner than most books. Click here.

  • Read This Blog Post: It’s called “What the heck is human design” I wrote it to help you understand the foundational aspects of Human Design. Click here.

  • Watch This YouTube Video: Human design in real life - 3 powerful ways to use it. In this video, I break down the basics of human design and 3 ways to use it in real life.

These 3 resources are sure to help you get started with your exploration!


How You Can Become Your Own Muse


Prioritizing Self-Mastery